
Albelli photo books


This film was one of my favorite to make. Albelli makes photobooks & wanted to showcase a group of friends creating memories together & then turning those memories into a photobook.

We wrote up various different fun scenarios as guides, but ultimately we cast a group of people, some of whom were already friends & drove around Portugal with them. We made sure to get an attractive mode of transport for them - a VW wagon - and hand-picked a few places to stop at.

Our crew was very small: myself, an incredibly talented DP, a ninja focus puller & a producer who grew up in Portugal. As we started filming natural interpersonal dynamics started forming between our cast which I then leant into to create a kind of sub-narrative that made for authentic & dynamic relationships.

This film allowed myself & the rest of the team to really get in touch with our intuitive voices to create visual & narrative storylines that all fed into creating an authentic, fun & organic commercial.

We ended up having so much interesting footage & interconnected storylines that in post production (& with the permission of the client) I created a narrative music film as a sister piece of content.


Albelli Commercial


‘allure’ music film



Client: Albelli

Production company: Mr Frank

Director: Brett de Vos

Producer: Miguel Texeira

DP: Leandro Ferrão

Edit Commercial: Sjoerd Dekker

Edit ‘Allure’: Brett de Vos